Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce
Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce

From her perch, Isaura could see the huge pillar of grimy, sooty clouds that billowed above the burning market town of Santente. They’re already here! Stretched out along the plains, a vast column of Zaragarian troops marched toward her with row upon row of cavalry, foot soldiers, siege weapons and wagons. Walking to the other side of the rock, she surveyed the wide plains below her. She knew there was no time to think like that besides there was so much about life here she wouldn’t miss.

Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce

She loved this spot it was her refuge, but after today she would no longer have it. She scrabbled for purchase with her boots, levered herself up and dragged her body onto its flat top. Isaura jumped, latching onto the rock edge with her fingers. Straightening, she looked with determination at the lip of the rock just above her. At the base of an enormous flat boulder, she bent over with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Her pace had slowed, yet, driven by dread, she surged up the last section of her climb. The air was bracing, reddening even her tanned cheeks her breath became laboured as the way grew more arduous. The trees grew steadily more sparse and spindly as she climbed. Drawing a deep breath, Isaura left the path and began scrambling nimbly up the ridge among the large rocks. She paused when the track wended its way down an overgrown ridge. Isaura wove between tall pines, her lithe frame moving quietly and fluidly from their shadows into the patches of early morning sunlight that dotted the path. She kept up a brisk pace and negotiated the steep, increasingly rocky, goat path up Mt Majula. Time was precious and although she started out early, she had yet to make it home. She desperately hoped that she had not made the wrong choice by giving in to her curiosity. To Michelle and Jess for getting it all in shape. The final test-Thanks to Clive and Elleni.

Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce

Wow! How can I ever thank you for your endless enthusiasm and hard work. To my dear friends and tireless ‘beta-readers’: Bronny and Marilyn. To the military historian in the family, my husband Robert, in thanks for his love, support, excellent library and scholarship! A Cataloguing-in-Publication entry is available from the National Library of AustraliaĬover design by Karri Klawiter (Map of Altaica by Magic Owl Design ((Based on colour original by Marilyn Jurlina)

Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce