Empire falls author
Empire falls author

You don’t frequently go out of your way to park outside the house you grew up in and despair that it is now deteriorated and occupied by drug dealers. (But you’re still friends with her because you’re the harmless type of guy that mothers want their daughters to marry). Your ex-mother-in-law doesn’t run the bar across the street from your diner. The high school bully doesn’t still bully you (and now he’s a cop). Your ex-wife’s new husband doesn’t hang out drinking coffee at the lunch counter trying to be your friend: “No hard feelings.” Your Dad doesn’t come in trying to get free food and steal beer money from the register. Your ex-alcoholic brother and your borderline anorexic teen-aged daughter don’t flip burgers and wait tables for you. You don’t live in a couple of sleazy rooms above the diner you run. You didn’t marry your high school sweetheart and/or, going on forty, you’re not still secretly in love with an old sweetheart who still lives in town. I suspect that most people reading this review do NOT live in the hometown where they were born.

Empire falls author