I suppose I read about 3/4 of the book, and didn't bother with the rest, but as I say, that's alright. Neil, in his introduction calls "Tastings" pornographic. Neil also wrote for some English skin mags like "Penthouse" which I guess are nothing like the American versions, but none-the-less, I found some of the stories just not for me. Lots of playing around with Lovecraft and Cthulhu. He has both a story and an epic poem about Larry Talbot, the wolfman of Movie fame. Her interactions with the Grail, and with Sir Galahad who has come through time to find it, are just great. It was under a fur coat." At a second hand shop.

Many of the stories are wonderful, such as "Chivalry" which begins, "Mrs. Needless to say, this collection is first rate, except for the parts that are second rate.

Neil is a great writer, and certainly worthy of winning awards, although I don't see how the World Science Fiction Award (aka the Hugo) keeps going to Fantasy books. First published in 1998, this new version from Avon includes an excerpt from "Anasazi Boys", and I understand, a slightly re-written intro. There is a lot to enjoy in this, the first collection of Neil Gaiman's short stories.